Golden Bell Performance Coach

About Coach James Fraser

James Fraser is a winner of the Prestigious York Secondary Catholic Presidents' Council Award for "Outstanding Leadership" at YCDSB 2008-2009, York Catholic District Achievement Award Winner 2018-2019, York Catholic District School Board Prestigious Leadership Award Winner 2018-2019 and Department of Justice "Youth Justice Policy Recognition" Award winner. James is an educator, youth counselor, youth advocate, activist, coach, mentor and visionary who speaks to thousands of students about embracing education, making positive choices, giving back to the community, believing in oneself, and achieving their personal goals by avoiding gangs, drugs and negative influences.

  • Certificate in the United States Sports Academy's National Coaching Certification Program Level 1,2,3
  • Certificate in Threat Assessment Level 1,2,3
  • Certificate in "ASIST" Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training
  • Certified Anger-Management Trainer
  • Certified Mediator and Conflict Resolution Specialist
  • Certificate in Behaviour Management Systems
  • Certificate in Understanding, Managing Aggressive Behaviour (UMAB)
  • Certified Crisis Prevention and Intervention Trainer

As an educator, counselor & motivational speaker, James's passion, positive energy and outlook on life, provides a positive message to the youth of today. His powerful and meaningful message connects and encourages youth to take charge of one's life. James's story is inspiring. Coming from Canada's largest black community (North Preston, Nova Scotia), James was able to overcome many obstacles in his life, which prepared him for his long life journey - advocating for the youth of today

Coach photo

James served as a Guidance Student Support Counselor/Behavior Resources for the York Catholic School Board for over 20 years. James currently holds a position over seeing suspensions and expulsions at the Alt-Education Program for York Catholic School Board. Founder and Executive Director of J. Fraser Consulting, Co-Founder Holy Cross Catholic Academy’s First Boys Prep Basketball Program also a Senior member of 9Heavens Healing Academy relocation program for disadvantage youth. James now has started up his own multi sports Academy "Legacy Prep Canada" where he helps develop student athletes, and gives them the opportunity to achieve their goals of receiving an Athletic Scholarship.James has over 30 years’ experience working with youth, and specializes in facilitating anger-management classes and workshops for youth, parents and their guardians. Along with dedicated counselors, the goal is to be education advocators, providing the support system that is needed for students of today. James also implements these strategies in his involvement with youth who have been incarcerated.James has worked on a partnership basis with school board administrators, teachers, community leaders, police officer, probation officers and social workers to educate and inform the needs of the youth.James's love for youth has earned him great respect in communities across Canada. James resides in Brampton, Ontario with his wife and kids, and continues to be a positive influence to the youth of today.